The Joint Venture consisting of CES Consulting Engineers Salzgitter GmbH / Germany (lead company), egis eau (France), and AAW Consulting Engineers (Egypt) has been awarded the contract for IWSP1 Phase 2.
The programme is funded by approx. 72% by the European Development Partner (EDPs) and approx. 28% by the Egyptian Government (GoE).
The Joint Venture is acting as the IC (Implementation Consultant) and is carrying out the following main tasks for the Phase 2 projects and remaining Phase 1 projects:
a) Overall programme management support
b) Implementation of investment measures:
c) Overall budget monitoring support
d) Training on-the-job for the Project Management Unit (PMU) and Project Implementation Unit (PIU) staff
One of the challenges of the project is that several Phase 1 projects are not yet completed due to various reasons. These Phase 1 projects shall now be completed, but in accordance with the original set-up of the project in order to reduce the risks of further delays. For Phase 2 the overall set-up has been adjusted in order to fasten the administration and approval procedures.
The Consultancy Service contract for Phase 2 is concluded for 7 years.
Copyright @ IWSP1 Egypt. All rights reserved. Under authority of the Holding Company for Water and Wastewater ("HCWW"), Egypt.