Sharkia Governorate
The following remaining Phase 1 projects within Sharkia governorate are planned to be completed during Phase 2. The table shows the names and numbers of projects.
Project | Project Number |
Bilbeis water network, rehabilitation Zone 1 | S-WS-P1A-01/1 |
Bilbeis water network, rehabilitation Zone 2 | S-WS-P1A-01/2 |
Bilbeis water network, rehabilitation Zone 3 | S-WS-P1A-01/3 |
El Hussenia water network, rehabilitation | S-WS-P1A-02 |
El Hussenia WTP, up-grade | S-WS-P1A-03 |
Hager WTP, extension | S-WS-P1B-01 |
Al Abassa WTP + Zagazig WTP | S-WS-P1B-02 + 03 |
Abu Mitna Bahnaia sewer network | S-WW-P1B-06 |
Beheira Governorate
The following remaining Phase 1 projects within Beheira governorate are planned to be completed during Phase 2. The table shows the names and numbers of projects.
Project | Project Number |
Damanhour water network, Lot 1 | B-WS-P1A-11/1 |
Damanhour water network, Lot 2 | B-WS-P1A-11/2 |
Damanhour water network, Lot 3 | B-WS-P1A-11/3 |
Meniet El Said WTP | B-WS-P1B-04A |
Koum Al Qanater WTP | B-WS-P1B-05A |
Manshiyet Al Horreya WWTP | B-WW-P1B-01 |
Phase 1 Projects
Copyright @ IWSP1 Egypt. All rights reserved. Under authority of the Holding Company for Water and Wastewater ("HCWW"), Egypt.
The following remaining Phase 1 projects within Gharbia governorate are planned to be completed during Phase 2. The table shows the names and numbers of projects.
Project | Project Number |
Old El Mahalla WTP | G-WS-P1A-12 |
El Mashtal WTP | G-WS-P1A-13 |
El Gallaa WTP | G-WS-P1A-14 |
Tanta City water network | G-WS-P1A-15 |
Tanta City sewer network | G-WW-P1B-01 |
Damietta Governorate
The following remaining Phase 1 projects within Damietta governorate are planned to be completed during Phase 2. The table shows the names and numbers of projects.
Project | Project Number |
Kafr Soliman - Kafr Saad mains A | D-WS-P1A-05 |
Kafr Soliman - Kafr Saad mains B | D-WS-P1A-06 |
Old Damietta WTP, contract 1 | D-WS-P1A-16/1 |
Old Damietta WTP, contract 2 | D-WS-P1A-16/2 |
Kafr Soliman WTP, stage 1 | D-WS-P1A-17/1 |
Kafr Soliman WTP, stage 2 | D-WS-P1A-17/2 |
Kafr Soliman - Ras El Bar | D-WS-P1B-05 |
El Rawda WWTP | D-WW-P1A-07 |
El Sarw WWTP | D-WW-P1A-08 |
Meet Abo Ghaleb WWTP | D-WW-P1A-09 |
El Rahmna WWTP | D-WW-P1A-10 |