
The IWSP 1 focuses on ACs in the four Governorates of Sharkia, Gharbia, Damietta, and Beheira. The responsibility for capital investment planning and implementation rests largely with the ACs, supervised by the PMU on behalf of HCWW and EDPs.
Each AC has established a fully-integrated PIU for the planning and implementation of the IWSP 1. The PIUs are headed by Programme Managers, who report directly to the Chairman of the respective AC. Accordingly, the function of the PIUs is to act as the responsible body to undertake project identification, project preparation, procurement, and implementation including disbursements to the engineering consultants, contractors, and suppliers.

The HCWW is responsible for the overall management of the investment portfolio of the EDPs in the water sector, especially for the setting of planning priorities, mobilization of funds, and taking corrective actions on the basis of a sound monitoring and evaluation system.
The HCWW has established a fully-integrated PMU, representing the HCWW. The HCWW and the PMU are responsible for the planning of all IWSP 1 investment activities as well as for the management of the same by setting policies and guidelines. Furthermore, the PMU provides guidance to the ACs on how to organize and operate the PIUs.

KfW / EDPs
The leading partner for the group of the four EDPs is the KfW. Thus KfW is responsible for coordinating the interests of the EDPs concerning IWSP 1.
As Lead Donor, KfW is tasked by the EDPs to ensure the economic viability, efficiency, and sustainability of the investments financed by the EDPs under the IWSP 1. To fulfill this role, KfW will undertake various intermediate steps in the programme procedures.

Implementation Consultant

The PMU is supported in its functions by an Implementation Consultant (IC) which strengthens the organizational and human capacities of the HCWW in order to better manage complex capital investment projects such as the IWSP 1 and to provide better services to the ACs.

  Contact                                                       Partners / Sponsers

​   Building No. 14, 6th Floor - Saleh Ayoub St. - Zamalek

  11211 Cairo, Egypt

   Fax: (+202) 27 37 22 91

Management Structure

The IWSP 1 is been implemented under the responsibility of the HCWW. The HCWW is the Implementing Agency for both, the Investment Component and the TA Component and has the overall responsibility for the programme. In this regard, the HCWW shall also ensure that the ACs operate and maintain individual projects in a satisfactory manner. The institutional and organizational set-up for the implementation of the IWSP 1 will consist of:

  • a Programme Management Unit ("PMU") on the central level,
  • a Programme Implementation Units ("PIU") on the local level and
  • a Steering Committee on the central level.

The PMU relies on the existing organizational set-up, systems & procedures, and staff of the HCWW (fully integrated approach).
HCWW seconds the necessary staff to the PMU in order to secure the necessary liaison with the Consultants and the PMU Manager refers all issues to the Deputy Chairman of HCWW.

Copyright @ IWSP1 Egypt. All rights reserved. Under authority of the Holding Company for Water and Wastewater ("HCWW"), Egypt.

The companies who carry out the water and wastewater operations in each Governorate in Egypt are "affiliated" to the HCWW. The Affiliated Companies (ACs) of the four IWSP 1 Governorates (Sharkia, Gharbia, Damietta and Beheira) are the final beneficiaries and also the "Employer" for the implementation and supervision service contracts.​​

Welcome to the IWSP 1


The Holding Company for Water and Wastewater (HCWW) is the Project Execution Agency (PEA) for the "Improved Water and Wastewater Services Project" (IWSP 1), a two-phase programme that aims to implement projects in the water and wastewater sector in four Governorates (Sharkia, Gharbia, Damietta, and Beheira) in the Egyptian Delta. The programme will improve both, the water supply networks and treatment plants, and the wastewater collection system and treatment. The selection of the four governorates was done according to the priorities of the Egyptian Government.

The IWSP 1 also intends to be a model for donor coordination as it is

developed on joint financing of four European Development Partners

(EDPs) who together provide 72 % of funds:

  • Kreditanstalt fuer Wiederaufbau (KfW, Lead Financing Institution),
  • European Union (EU),
  • Agence Française de Développement (AFD), and
  • European Investment Bank (EIB).

Programme News

Award of IWSP 1 Phase 2 Consultancy Service Contract

The Joint Venture consisting of CES Consulting Engineers Salzgitter GmbH (Germany) as lead company, egis eau (France), and AAW Consulting Engineers (Egypt) has been awarded the contract for IWSP 1 Phase 2.

​Tender Phase for Contracts of Works

Phase 1 Projects


Phase 2 Projects

Tender Phase for Contracts of Services